The Society Network
The Barnabas Society is a society for aspiring and current Church leadership (ordained or lay leaders). The Society is meant to bring orthodox rural church leaders together to fellowship, encourage, and exhort one another. We are not a denomination and welcome people from many traditions but are predominately from the Anglican, Wesleyan, and Methodist traditions. The Society members are encouraged to keep a high standard of personal piety; bible reading, prayer, the daily office, fasting, and band meetings are all tools to continue the active pursuit of Christ in our Sanctification. The Society meets once a week on Zoom and it is encouraged to be on the meeting calls as much as you can.

Want to get involved? Contact us today.
If you are interested in joining the Conference or if you want more information, please contact us and someone will reach out soon. An interview will need to be scheduled to talk with one of the regional leaders and a short affirmation of orthodox doctrine will need to be agreed upon.